I'm constantly having ideas for a new blog which, I realize, is a little lame seeing as how I can't follow through with much. And if I do follow through, I don't stick to it very long. I wanted to start a restaurant tour of Alexandria, to become some sort of vigilante critic but that hasn't panned out as I am lazy and poor.
I want to write a blog about hosting parties (a la Amy Sedaris' "I Like You"), but the idea was quickly dismissed because I knew I would forget about it.
I got the bright idea that I wanted buy a url and manage it like a blog and a photo gallery so it would be more accessible, but that cost around $50 for two years and quite frankly, I'm not sure I'm ready for that kind of commitment.

We're making origami flowers for the whole shindig (table decorations, bouquets, hanging from the ceiling, etc.) If you'd like to get in on this folding and gluing action, let me know. As of now, the origami army is only two strong (Sarah Halbert and me) but I'd like to get more people on board. However, I'm having a hard time keeping up with Sarah's mad folding skills. But still, recruits are needed. Please apply at lucinda.parker@gmail.com. Ha.
So this blog needs to be renamed. No more internet dating, obviously. And there's not really a theme. When I get the bright idea that I want to start a blog about something, I'll write an entry or two about that thing (or as many as I can hammer out) and then move on to my next fascination. Any suggestions on a new name?
PS: The second to last paragraph in the entry "Next" is about Matt, my fella. Neat, huh?
PS: The second to last paragraph in the entry "Next" is about Matt, my fella. Neat, huh?
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